Planning and Environment Committee Meetings

The Planning and Environment Committee meets monthly (except August), generally at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of the  month.  This can change though so always check the published agenda.  The meeting is held in public and parishioners are welcome to attend, listen to the discussions, and raise matters of concern during the public item. The Committee has responsibility for commenting on all planning applications received from within the parish and nearby areas.  Members of the public are also entitled to comment on planning applications direct to South Norfolk Council- applications can be viewed and commented on here

South Norfolk Council publish weekly lists showing their decisions on planning applications, which can be seen here .  However if looking for a specific planning application, use the link above.

The minutes of the last meeting are in draft format until they have been approved at the following meeting.

Terms of Reference for the Committee can be seen here: Terms of Reference

Membership: Trevor Wang (Chairman), Simon Chapman, Robert Simmons, Jason Chalangary, Dagmar Miller and Elliot Coulthard




Meeting Dates for 2025

Full Council

15 January
12 February
12 March
9 April - Annual Parish Meeting & Council meeting
14 May - Annual Parish Council Meeting
11 June
9 July
10 September
8 October
12 November
10 December


8 January
5 February
5 March
2 April
7 May
4 June
2 July
3 September
1 October
5 November
3 December