Parish Facilities

Cringleford is fortunate to have an array of facilities for parishioners to use.

The Parish Council maintains:-

  • The recreation ground and Pavilion on Oakfields Road
  • The Willow Centre and field on Willowcroft Way
  • The village green
  • Five playgrounds for various age groups located at: the recreation ground on Oakfields Road; Dragonfly Lane; adjacent to The Willow Centre on Willowcroft Way; and two on Holly Lane on opposite sides of the road.
  • The outdoor gym on Dragonfly Lane
  • The outdoor table tennis table on Dragonfly Lane (bat and ball hire from The Willow Centre)
  • The orchard on Brown Close

These facilities will grow over the next few years with more development due, to include the woods by The Willow Centre, several football pitches, a new sports hall, additional playgrounds, and eventually an orchard and allotments.
To have a look at the forthcoming plans, please take a look here
To see our Recreation Strategy, click here

Cringleford is also lucky enough to be visited regularly by the Mobile Library.  If this service is not used then it will be removed so please support it wherever possible. The timetable can be viewed here: timetable

Did you know that as Cringleford residents you can hire the tennis courts that are owned by Cringleford Tennis Club at the recreation ground on Oakfields Road, without being members? More information can be found here; 

Grit bins are purchased by the Parish Council and filled by NCC free of charge at the commencement of each winter.  Currently the bins are located in the following areas:

Road Name Exact Location
Intwood Road Inside the loke
Intwood Road Inside gate at Cringleford Business Centre
Keswick Road Cross road with Intwood Road
Brettlingham Avenue Junction of Langley Close
Brettlingham Avenue Top of Cantley Lane
Taylor Avenue Near Meadway
Armitage Close By Siddell Close
Village green Outside old school
Colney Lane Top of Gilbert Way
Colney Lane Bottom of Newfound Drive
Colney Lane Top of Oaklands Drive
Colney Lane Gurney Lane
Dragonfly Lane Adjacent to notice board / roundabout
Oriole Drive On grass