Information from South Norfolk Council:

“The Sundown Festival 2024 takes place at the Norfolk Showground this weekend.

A Resident Hotline will be operated by the organisers of the Sundown Festival during their event as part of the measures we have agreed with them to control the impact of their event on residents. The Resident Hotline number is 0800 779 7116 and it will be open 24-hours a day from 10am tomorrow until midday on Monday – this number is for use by residents only.  Should any residents contact you with concerns regarding the event (e.g. noise, litter, parking, traffic management) please can you ask them to contact the Resident Hotline where their concerns will be logged and passed onto the events management team for resolution.  This will allow the organisers to be aware of any issues and respond to them in a timely manner.  We will be in contact with the event organisers during the event to monitor any issues raised by residents and the action taken as a result.  In the case of noise complaints, the customer may be offered a visit by the organisers noise consultant.

We have been working with the organisers of the Sundown Festival, and their noise consultant, regarding how this event will be managed, including the management of noise.  We have agreed noise levels having regard to the Noise Council Code of Practice on Environmental Noise at Concerts, which aims to strike a balance between the levels at which the music is required to be played on site at a music event and the level of music noise at residents’ premises.  In particular, it allows the music noise to be clearly audible at residents’ premises during the daytime, in return for much quieter levels during the night-time when residents will be wishing to sleep.  The organiser’s noise management measures include them employing noise management consultants who will be monitoring noise levels on and off site throughout the event to ensure they are satisfactory.  However, it may be possible that due to weather effects, the loudest noise levels may not always occur at the predicted locations, where noise levels will be routinely monitored during the event.  Thus, residents notifying the organisers of any excessive noise levels on 0800 779 7116 will assist them in identifying if this is the case and modify their noise monitoring and noise control arrangements if required.

The proposed timetable for the Sundown Festival is as follows:

  • Friday – Event carparks will open from 08:00 to ensure there is not a build-up of traffic on the surrounding roads. The
    site will be open to Camping Ticket holders only from 12:00hrs, with entertainment starting from 16:00hrs.  Audible music will finish by 23:00hrs and a silent disco will run from 22:30hrs to 02:00hrs.
  • Saturday – In addition to Campers, the site will open for Day Ticket holders from 12:00hrs, with entertainment starting from 12:00hrs. Audible music will finish by 23:00hrs and a silent disco will run from 22:30hrs to 02:00hrs.
  • Sunday – In addition to Campers, the site will open for Day Ticket holders from 12:00hrs, with entertainment starting from 12:00hrs. Audible music will finish by 23:00hrs and a silent disco will run from 22:30hrs to 01:00hrs.
  • Monday – There is no entertainment on this day and the Campsite closes at 12:00hrs.

Road Closures – Dereham Road will be closed to vehicles on Saturday and Sunday between the hours of 20:00hrs – 01:00hrs, to allow visitors to safely exit from the event.