Leaving Waste at The Willow Centre
We are delighted at how popular the clothing banks at The Willow Centre have proven to be the last couple of years. They are emptied weekly by Scope and the area is given a tidy at the same time. Disappointingly,…
We are delighted at how popular the clothing banks at The Willow Centre have proven to be the last couple of years. They are emptied weekly by Scope and the area is given a tidy at the same time. Disappointingly,…
Our second planter has now been planted and we really think its brightened the road up. Let us know if you spot where it is over the weekend! Thank you to Cringleford and Eaton Horticultural Society for doing all the…
Did you know that Cringleford churchyard is maintained by a few residents who voluntarily meet monthly? They are currently in need of more helpers, the main requirement for which is that you have and can use a petrol or battery…
Cavell Court on Dragonfly Lane are holding a wellbeing festival and are celebrating all things related to wellbeing – including some free demonstration sessions from external 3rd parties eg. Able2B boxercise. The event will be held at Cavell Court on…
Norfolk County Council have advised that, that owing to Network Rail barrier repairs, the use by vehicles of the C178 Intwood Road 10m either side of the level crossing in Keswick and Intwood will be temporarily prohibited from 12th to…