Notice of Casual Vacancy

Public notice is hereby given that a casual vacancy has occurred in the Office of Councillor for the Cringleford Parish Council. For more information on the process, and how to call for an election, please view the attached information. casual…

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Annual Return 2017 – Completion

The annual audit of Cringleford Parish Council’s accounts has been concluded and the statement of accounts has been published. The electors of Cringleford have a right to inspect the accounts under section 25 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act…

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Defibrilator Training

A FREE training session has been organised for parishioners, to demonstrate how to carry out CPR and how to use the new defibrillators that have been installed at the Pavilion and The Willow Centre.
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Pavilion Furniture

As part of our ongoing maintenance programme for the Pavilion, new chairs, tables and trolleys have arrived this week.   Hopefully all of our hirers will enjoy sitting in more comfort now! If you want to hire the Pavilion hall…

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